HELLO FROM LITTLE OL' NEW ZEALAND I'm a mental health nurse by trade, a proud dog mum to a border collie and golden retriever (yes they are both as cute as they sound) and overall just living the dream in this beautiful country at the bottom of the world. 

I'm a newbie author, taking the indie/ self-publishing route (rather than with a well-known publisher). It is a bit harder for us little guys, so please, if you like what I'm writing, let me and your friends know! That way I'll be able to bring even more reads to your hands in the coming years! #fulltimeauthorgoals

My first release is a young adult psychological suspense titled Follow Me, but don't you worry your little hearts, I have so many ideas for more books (many of which are based on real life events) you'll be seeing more of me soon! Check out my "Books" page for some early blurbs of upcoming titles.


I NEED TO SAY A HUGE 'THANK YOU' TO THESE WONDERFUL PEOPLE! There have been so many wonderful, helpful, and motivating people on this gal's writing journey, but I do have some special mentions:

Massive thank you to my early readers Andrew , who may possibly love Follow Me even more than I do, and gave me the motivation and ego boost to share the story with even more people; editor William Nuessle , who was the little voice in the back of my head shouting "GIVE ME STAKES!" and helped craft the beginning pages to be more in line with published books; Lillian McCoy , I loved reading all your comments and reactions to the story, and you pointed out some pretty obvious plot weaknesses I had somehow missed; Gio Peters , who was my daily cheerleader to not give up;  Bria Savanah , beta-reader extraordinaire, who gave such kind feedback and direction to my first (terrible) draft, and still came back to see how it turned out; Sarah P. Blanchard (author of Playing Chess with Bulls and Drawn from Life),  who suggested I compare my work to none other than Gillian Flynn if I queried with agents, AND who suggested Follow Me was a psychological suspense (yes I wrote a psych suspense somewhat accidentally), which then led me to joining the abso-fricking-fantastic Psychological Thriller Readers Facebook Group, who boosted my ego even more when I posted Follow Me for early reading and received interest from THREE HUNDRED people in less than twelve hours (seriously, this was incredible, as we indie authors often only get about ten offers!); I so appreciate all the feedback and love from these readers, especially the delightful Tiffany Adriana herself, who has become one of my bestest buddies in this new-author world, helped me design and refine the Follow Me cover, and was more than happy to listen to me prattle on about sequel and prequel ideas - I can't wait til you get your story published, too!


OR WHAT I IMAGINE PEOPLE MIGHT ASK Where do you get your ideas from?
Working in an inpatient mental health unit gives a pretty incredible range of human experiences, so a lot of my ideas come from people's real-life stories, or beliefs, or experiences, with a twist of my own "what if." Everyone's "reality" is different, based on our beliefs and interpretation of situations, so what's to say our personal reality is the one true reality? Then other ideas come from my misinterpretations or mistaken guesses from movies or television shows, which I can then adopt into my own story (and not-so-secretly think that my version is better). 

Are you going to write more books?
Um, YES. I have too many ideas now. It'll probably depend how many people like the first books, for whether I'll get around to writing later ones, so if you do like them, let me knowwww!

How long does it take you to write a book?
Depends on the book. I actually wrote Follow Me in about five months, but then I have another book I've been working on for over ten years. Then there's also the feedback sessions, where I give people a month or two to read and give feedback before my next round of edits. 

Do you do your own covers?
Sure do. It's one of my favourite parts, actually! I'm lucky to have Photoshop etc through my university, so it's also free for me to play around. I actually made this website, too, since I'm cheap. My sister is a genius computer geek and fixes the last 5% of my problems #winning

What's your favourite book?
Complete pivot in genre here, but it's Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn aka Gillian Rubinstein.

Why do you have so many spelling mistakes in your books?
Yeah, I know, sorry about that. I had a few early readers kindly correct all the extra "u"s like in "favourite" and missing "z"s like in "emphasised" but there were just too many to fix.

What's it like living in Australia?

Do you really do your own audiobooks?
Turns out it's expensive to get a professionally narrated book. There are other options (for example, royalty share) but the range of New Zealand narrators is pretty limited. I asked around and people weren't too bothered by the accent, so I bought a decent second-hard microphone and, like everything else related to writing, gave it a shot. 

Do you read your reviews?
I do! Reviews are meant for readers, but I just can't help myself. If you ever want to give more detailed or personal feedback, you're welcome to contact me on social media or by email! hello AT rachgrahamreads.com